Category: Articles

Weapons of Change 0

Weapons of Change

Weapons of Change June 2013 This article was originally published in & Magazine Issue 5 in May 2013. Please note that the fiction section is the author’s original version. The version published in the...

Q&A With Tim Kask 0

Q&A With Tim Kask

June 2013 This article was originally published in & Magazine, Issue 4 in February 2013. Recorded by Bryan Fazekas. Tim Kask, one of the people who helped create OD&D and AD&D, posts frequently to a Q&A...

Undead Unlimited! 0

Undead Unlimited!

June 2013 This article was originally published in & Magazine, Issue 2 in August 2012. Written by Bryan Fazekas. Most adults have seen at least one of the plethora of zombie movies that have spawned like...

Level Draining Is Metagaming 0

Level Draining Is Metagaming

June 2013 This article was originally published in & Magazine, Issue 2 in August 2012. Written by Bryan Fazekas. This is certainly an inflammatory title for an article. Next to alignment, level draining is possibly the...

Keeping 1st Level Parties Alive 0

Keeping 1st Level Parties Alive

June 2013 This article was originally published in & Magazine, Issue 1 in May 2012. Written by Bryan Fazekas. A common lament among Dungeon Masters (DMs) is the difficulty of keeping low level parties...

Extendable Rules for Turning Undead 1

Extendable Rules for Turning Undead

October 2006 This article was written in December 2005, formalizing ideas I had used many moons ago. Originally published in Footprints, published by Dragonsfoot, I’m republishing it here in HTML format. Copyright 1990, 2005-2006,...