Anaxios Pantheon

The Anaxios Pantheon are the elder gods, the ones who ascended to godhood prior to the first War of Rendelshod. This pantheon is worshipped by inhabitants of the eastern side of mainland Trivana and in the Southern Islands.

Descriptive fields:

Source the god and mythos a god was inspired by
Sex Male, female, or N/A (not applicable)
Symbol symbol that represents the god
Sphere categories that the god governs or represents
Worshipers the types of people who worship the god, which can include specific alignments and/or areas which matter to worshipers, e.g., agriculture
Clergy Cleric, Druid, or both
Clergy Raiment Any apparel the clergy is expected to wear or use
Clergy Abilities special abilities granted by the god to their clerics and/or druids; this may include spell-like abilities as additional powers, and the ability to substitute non-cleric spells during the daily memorization
Clergy Restrictions minimum qualifications to be clergy or things that affect them, e.g., clergy of a fire god may be more affected by cold



Pantheon Listing

Lawful Good

Dorane (dor-ane)

Sanjinct the Just (san-jink-tuh)

Zsofika (so-fik-a)

Lawful Neutral

Aanth (a-anth)

Mardukkun (mar-duke-un)

Patah (pa-tah)

Lawful Evil

Mict-An-Ul (mict-an-ul)

Tlaloc (tla-lock)

Neutral Good

Demeter (dem-eh-tur)

Ebele (ee-bell)

Lydes-Amia (lie-dese-am-i-uh)

True Neutral

Heron (hair-un)

Idelisa (i-dell-ee-sa)

Owynn-Hai (o-win-hay)

Phaestus (phay-stus)

Sylvanus (Sil-vane-us)

Thorn (thorn)

Neutral Evil

Hades (hay-dese)

Tx’Amun (tix-a-mun)

Chaotic Good

Hotoru (ho-tore-u)

Lakshmi (lock-smee)

Neffulthyse (nef-ul-thigh-ese)

Chaotic Neutral

Dionysis (Di-un-I-sus)

Manammun Lair (man-am-mun-lair)

Ullan (ul-lan)

Zinervo (zin-err-vo)

Chaotic Evil

Barkane (bar-kane)

Hate (hate)

Pyawran (pie-ah-wran)

Xiumdurn (zi-um-durn)

Lawful Good

Dorane (dor-ane)

Greater God

Source Donblas (Melnibonean Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol wide red arrow pointing upward
Sphere justice, law
Worshippers Lawful Good
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Must wear white robes and cannot use bulky armor which reduces normal speed to 6″ or less. Holy symbol is a mace engraved with the god’s symbol and Blessed by a cleric of at least 9th level.
Clergy Abilities When using the holy symbol as the weapon, gain +1 to hit/damage on undead, and on each successful hit the undead may be turned as a cleric 2 levels higher, even if an attempt to normally turn the undead failed.

At 5th level may invoke Lightning Bolt 1/day as an extra ability.

At 7th level gain immunity to lightning similar to 3rd level Druid spell Protection from Fire and can take Protection from Lightning as a 3rd level spell.

At level 12 can invoke Chain Lightning 1/day as an extra ability.

Clergy Restrictions Must have charisma of at least 14.

Sanjinct the Just (san-jink-tuh)


Source Heironeous, the Invincible (Greyhawk Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol silver lightning bolt
Sphere chivalry, honor, justice, valor, daring
Worshippers Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, Neutral Good
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Robes are dark blue with silver trim indicating their station.
Clergy Abilities Preferred weapon is the battle-axe. At 1st level gain +1 to hit/damage with battle-axe.

At 6th level gain +2 to hit/damage with battle-axe, with 3 attacks every 2 rounds.

Clergy Restrictions Prefer to wear chainmail; may wear lighter armor if necessary, but will not wear heavier armor.

Zsofika (so-fik-a)

Lesser God

Source Osiris (Egyptian Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol white crown
Sphere nature, dead
Worshippers Lawful Good, farmers
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Must wear a green cloak. Symbol is a golden ankh.
Clergy Abilities Unintelligent plants cannot attack clerics. Intelligent plants may be turned or commanded into service similar to undead (evil turn, good or neutral commanded).

At 7th level may choose Minor Globe of Invulnerability as 4th level spell.

At 11th level may choose Globe of Invulnerability as 6th level spell.

Clergy Restrictions none

Lawful Neutral

Aanth (a-anth)


Source Aarth (Nehwon Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol glowing gold rectangle on field of black
Sphere magic, knowledge, secrets
Worshippers Lawful Neutral
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment No special clothing mandated. Symbol is a wand of dark colored wood, inlaid with runes in gold.
Clergy Abilities At 3rd level may choose Invisibility as 2nd level spell.

At 3rd level gain some thief abilities (Pick Pockets, Open Locks, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Hear Noise, Read Languages) as thief 2 levels lower. This power increases with level.

Clergy Restrictions none

Mardukkun (mar-duke-un)


Source Marduk (Babylonian Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol silvery net
Sphere cities, weather
Worshippers Lawful Neutral
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Symbol is small netting made of silver-imbued cloth. No special clothing is mandated.
Clergy Abilities At 5th level may choose Lightning Bolt as a 3rd level spell, but cast it at 1/2 the clerical level, rounded up.
Clergy Restrictions none

Patah (pa-tah)

Greater God

Source Ptah (Egyptian Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol apis bull
Sphere creation, universe
Worshippers Lawful Neutral
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment No special clothing mandated. Symbol is a copper plate engraved with an Apis bull.
Clergy Abilities Preferred weapon is the mace. When using a Blessed mace the cleric is treated as having fighter weapon specialization, although attacks are still on the cleric table.

At 7th level can Haste self 1/week with no aging, as an extra ability.

At 9th level may choose Teleport as a 5th level spell with half normal chance of error.

Clergy Restrictions none

Lawful Evil

Mict-An-Ul (mict-an-ul)


Source Mictlantecuhtli (Central American Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol dog totem
Sphere death
Worshippers any
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Unholy symbol is human thigh bone. Must wear black clothing.
Clergy Abilities Can command undead as a cleric 2 levels higher.
Clergy Restrictions none

Tlaloc (tla-lock)

Lesser God

Source Tlaloc (Central American Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol deer totem
Sphere rain
Worshippers all who need rain
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Bronze scepter engraved with god’s symbol. Must wear bronze colored robes or clothing.
Clergy Abilities At 1st level gain +2 on saving throws vs. all water-based attacks.

At 5th level may choose Call Lightning as a 3rd level spell.

Clergy Restrictions none

Neutral Good

Demeter (dem-eh-tur)

Greater God

Source Demeter (Greek Mythos)
Sex Female
Symbol mare’s head
Sphere agriculture
Worshippers Neutral Good, farmers
Clergy Cleric, Druid
Clergy Raiment Must wear green & brown clothing. Symbol is a silver circlet engraved with a mare’s head.
Clergy Abilities Preferred weapon is a spear.

At 6th level gain +1 to hit/damage with spear.

At 11th level gain +2 to hit/damage with spear.

Clerics & druids can choose any cleric/druid spells for summoning and/or controlling animals and plants, and for weather control. Clerics cast such cleric spells as 2 levels higher; druids cast such druid spells as 2 levels higher.

Has a base chance of 20% + 5%/level (max 95%) of treating peacefully with green dragons, or any nature-oriented dragon, regardless of alignment.

Clergy Restrictions none

Ebele (ee-bell)

Greater God

Source Ehlonna (Greyhawk Mythos)
Sex Female
Symbol unicorn horn
Sphere forest, meadows, animals, flowers, fertility
Worshippers any Good, any Neutral
Clergy Cleric, Druid
Clergy Raiment Symbol is silver replica of unicorn’s horn.
Clergy Abilities Can use longbow and longsword. All track as a ranger of the same level.

Clerics gain Animal Friendship as extra power at 5th level. Druids cast Animal Friendship at twice normal level.

Clergy Restrictions Cannot wear armor heavier than leather.

Lydes-Amia (lie-dese-am-i-uh)


Source Lydia (Suel Mythos)
Sex Female
Symbol spray of vivid colors
Sphere music, light, daylight
Worshippers any Good musicians, sages, & scholars
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Clerics are 80% female – all wear white vestments trimmed in gold and silver. Symbol is silver fan painted with a spray of vivid colors.
Clergy Abilities Clerics get additional spells, each usable once per day – 1st level: Detect Magic, 3rd level: Augury, 5th level: Divination, 9th level: Locate Object.
Clergy Restrictions none

True Neutral

Heron (hair-un)


Source Hera (Greek Mythos)
Sex Female
Symbol peacock
Sphere marriage, intrigue
Worshippers any, wives & intriguers
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Must wear violet robes. Symbol is a rod wrapped with a peacock feather.
Clergy Abilities At 4th level gain Polymorph Self 1/day as an extra ability.

At 7th level gain Fear 1/day as an extra ability.

Clergy Restrictions Clerics are always female, and are vengeful of slights to them or their goddess.

Idelisa (i-dell-ee-sa)


Source Istus, Lady of our Fate (Greyhawk Mythos)
Sex Female
Symbol golden spindle with three strands
Sphere fate, destiny, predestination, future
Worshippers any
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Symbol is golden spindle. Wear grey robes, or black with web pattern at 9th level.
Clergy Abilities At 3rd level gain Augury as an additional ability.

At 7th level gain Strand of Binding as an additional ability.

Clergy Restrictions none

Owynn-Hai (o-win-hay)

Lesser God

Source Obad-Hai (Greyhawk Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol oak leaf & acorn
Sphere nature, wildlands, freedom, hunting, wild beasts
Worshippers Neutral
Clergy Cleric, Druid
Clergy Raiment wear russet robes. Symbol is a wand carved with oak leaves and acorn symbols.
Clergy Abilities Use staff as primary weapon, gaining +1 to hit/damage.

All clergy may choose proficiencies among all clerical or druidic weapon.

At 3rd level clergy may substitute one 1st level spell of other type (cleric –> druid & druid –> cleric).

At 6th level may substitute one 2nd level spell.

At 9th level may substitute one 3rd level spell.

At 12th level may transform into any small or medium animal intelligence woodland creature at will.

Clergy Restrictions Clerics wander the woodlands and small villages.

Phaestus (phay-stus)


Source Hephaestus (Greek Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol hammer & anvil
Sphere blacksmiths, metalworkers
Worshippers metalworkers, including some dwarves
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Must wear brown leather clothing. Symbol is an Blessed hammer.
Clergy Abilities Preferred weapon is a hammer, gaining +1 to hit and damage with hammer.

Gain +5% per level on reaction dice with creatures from the Elemental Plane of Fire and red dragons.

Clergy Restrictions Clerics must be blacksmiths.

Sylvanus (Sil-vane-us)

Greater God

Source Silvanus (Celtic Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol summer oak tree
Sphere forests, nature
Worshippers forest dwellers
Clergy Druid
Clergy Raiment Wear plain brown robes. Symbol is an oak branch.
Clergy Abilities Spells vs plants are effective at twice the druid’s level.

At 5th level can summon a companion, a wolf hound (HD4, AC4, HP 32, 2 attacks for 2-8, 2-8); hound will remain with druid until death, after which another can be summoned but no more than 1 in a 2 year period.

At 9th level begin regeneration of 1 hp/round; can regenerate limbs but not from death.

Clergy Restrictions none

Thorn (thorn)


Source Thoth (Egyptian Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol Ibis
Sphere knowledge
Worshippers seekers of knowledge
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment No special clothing mandated. Symbol is a brass amulet engraved with an ibis.
Clergy Abilities Divination spells function as if cleric level 50% higher.
Clergy Restrictions Cannot wear metal armor.

Neutral Evil

Hades (hay-dese)

Lesser God

Source Hades (Greek Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol black ram
Sphere underworld, death
Worshippers Neutral Evil
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Must wear black robes with bright red trim. Symbol is a stick of black rock engraved in silver with ram’s head.
Clergy Abilities Will choose any sword proficiency at 1st level as the preferred weapon.

May command undead as cleric 3 levels higher.

At 12th level may choose Death Spell or Powerword Kill as 6th level spell.

Clergy Restrictions none

Tx’Amun (tix-a-mun)


Source Pyremius (Suel Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol face of a daemon
Sphere fire, poison, murder
Worshippers evil, including humanoids
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Red vestments decorated with flame-shaped swatches of orange and yellow. Viewed from a distance, this garb makes the cleric seem to be on fire. Symbol is golden scepter.
Clergy Abilities At 1st level gain +1 on saving throws vs. fire.

At 5th level gain : +2 on saving throws vs. fire.

At 7th level may choose Fireball as a 3rd level spell.

At 9th level gain +3 on saving throws vs. fire. Immune to non-magical fires causing less than 24 points damage/round. May use Pyrotechnics 1/day as an additional power, using the unholy symbol as the material component.

Clergy Restrictions Level 1: -1 on saving throws vs. cold. Level 5: -2 on saving throws vs. cold. Level 9: -3 on saving throws vs. cold, take extra point per die from cold damage up to max per die, extra damage from cold healed only by Restoration, Limited Wish, Wish, or A

Chaotic Good

Hotoru (ho-tore-u)

Lesser God

Source Hotoru (Native American Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol clouds
Sphere wind, weather, crops
Worshippers Chaotic Good
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Symbol is a silver scepter engraved with clouds and grain. No special clothing is mandated.
Clergy Abilities At 5th level may choose Lightning Bolt as a 3rd level spell.

At 9th level may choose Wall of Air as 5th level spell.

Clergy Restrictions none

Lakshmi (lock-smee)


Source Lakshmi (Indian Mythos)
Sex Female
Symbol lotus & bow
Sphere fortune
Worshippers Chaotic Good, those seeking luck
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Clothing and cloak outlined in gold. Symbol is gold scepter with head shaped like lotus and engraved with a longbow.
Clergy Abilities May choose longbow as proficiency at 1st level.

May increase their luck or that of another 1/week; for 1 hour after the invoking all saving throws and to hit rolls are at +4. This must be invoked BEFORE the need to use it.

Clergy Restrictions none

Neffulthyse (nef-ul-thigh-ese)

Lesser God

Source Nephthys (Egyptian Mythos)
Sex Female
Symbol horns around lunar disk
Sphere wealth, protector of dead
Worshippers Chaotic Good
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment No special clothing mandated. Symbol is bull’s horn engraved with moon symbol.
Clergy Abilities Turn undead as 1 level higher, and turn Lawful Evil undead as 3 levels higher.

Gain +1 to hit/damage against undead for every 3 levels, e.g., +1 at 1st level, +2 at 4th level, etc.

Clergy Restrictions Charisma must be at least 14. Cannot retreat in battle from intelligent undead unless others will be harmed.

Chaotic Neutral

Dionysis (Di-un-I-sus)

Greater God

Source Dionysis (Greek Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol thyrsus
Sphere wine
Worshippers chaotic beings
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Must wear purple cloak or cloak embroidered with grapes. Symbol is a golden circlet engraved with a Thyrsis.
Clergy Abilities Once per week can go berserk, attacking on fighter table at +1 to hit/damage for every 3 levels, e.g., +1 at 1st level, +2 at 4th level. This last 5d4 rounds and at conclusion must make system shock roll or fall unconscious for 1d4 turns. If unconscious must make second system shock roll or die.

All saves vs. fear or insanity are at +1 per 4 levels, e.g., +1 at 1st level, +2 at 5th level.

At 4th level may Polymorph Self 1/day as an additional power.

At 7th level may substitute any Polymorph spell for a cleric spell of the same level.

Clergy Restrictions none

Manammun Lair (man-am-mun-lair)

Lesser God

Source Manannan Mac Lir (Celtic Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol wave of white water on green background
Sphere seas, oceans
Worshippers sea farers
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Wear grey robes printed with sea shell pattern. Symbol is wand of driftwood engraved with god’s symbol.
Clergy Abilities Trident is the preferred weapon.

May Speak with Animals 3/day, effective with sea creatures only, as an additional power.

At 3rd level gain Water Breathing 1/day, as an additional power.

At 6th level gain +1 to hit/damage with trident.

Clergy Restrictions none

Ullan (ul-lan)


Source Uller (Norse Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol longbow
Sphere hunting, archery, winter
Worshippers Chaotic Neutral, hunters, archers
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Wear leather clothing camaflauged for local conditions. Symbol is any Blessed longbow.
Clergy Abilities Must take longbow as proficiency at 1st level; attacks with bow are on the fighter table.

May take any sword proficiency, including great sword. Gain specialization as fighter.

Clergy Restrictions Minimum strength 14, constitution 14. Will not use a shield.

Zinervo (zin-err-vo)


Source Zagyg (Greyhawk Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol rune of madness
Sphere humor, occult studies, unpredictability
Worshippers any
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Symbol is copper scepter inscribed with rune of madness. Wear robes of dark blue trimmed in silver.
Clergy Abilities May inscribe a rune which affects all viewing it within 30′. All creatures must save vs. Spells or be affected for a period of 1 round per cleric level. Runes fade after 1d3 rounds.

At 1st level may inscribe Persuasion – intelligent creatures failing to save become friendly to the cleric and will agree to reasonable suggestions.

At 3rd level may inscribe Fear – all creatures failing to save will be affected as per a Fear spell.

At 5th level may inscribe Discord – all creatures failing to save become quarrelsome and there is a
5%/level of the cleric that each creature will fight those with a differing alignment.

At 7th level may inscribe Pain – all creatures failing to save experience wracking pain, suffering -2 on to-hit rolls and saving throws.

At 9th level may inscribe Insanity – all creatures failing to save will temporarily become insane. 25% will attack the nearest creature, 25% will be Confused (as per spell), 25% will be catatonic, and 25% will be affected as per Fear spell.

Note that the cleric is not immune to attacks by affected creatures.

Clergy Restrictions none

Chaotic Evil

Barkane (bar-kane)

Greater God

Source Arioch (Melnibonean Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol circle with red arrows radiating in all directions
Sphere swords, battle, chaos
Worshippers Chaotic Evil, warriors
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Wear red robes. Unholy symbol is any broadsword.
Clergy Abilities Broadsword is the preferred weapon at 1st level. The cleric gains weapon specialization at 1st, 7th, and 13th levels as would a fighter.

Attacks with the broadsword are on the fighter table, although all other weapons are on the cleric table.

At 7th level can go Ethereal 1/day.

Clergy Restrictions Must have charisma of at least 14.

Hate (hate)


Source Hate (Nehwon Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol foggy image with floating eyes
Sphere hatred
Worshippers Chaotic Evil
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Must wear grey clothing decorated with red gems. Symbol is a grey wand decorated randomly with red gems.
Clergy Abilities Clerics of 5th level or higher may invoke a physical appearance of Hate. The base chance is 3% per level of the cleric, plus 2% per level of all assisting clerics, plus 1% for each worshipper in attendance. See Newhon Mythos for details of Hate.
Clergy Restrictions none

Pyawran (pie-ah-wran)


Source Pyaray (Melnibonean Mythos)
Sex Male
Symbol blue gem with 8 rays emanating from it
Sphere ocean abysses
Worshippers Chaotic Evil
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Wear black robes. Symbol is a blue gem set in a silver necklace worn around the neck.
Clergy Abilities Gain Water Breathing with a duration equal to the cleric’s level in hours. This can be used periodically during a 24 hour period.

At 5th level may communicate with sea creatures at will.

Clergy Restrictions none

Xiumdurn (zi-um-durn)

Lesser God

Source Xiombarg (Melnibonean Mythos)
Sex Female
Symbol image of slim young girl
Sphere war, slaughter
Worshippers Chaotic Evil, warriors
Clergy Cleric
Clergy Raiment Wear white robes. Unholy symbol is any battle axe.
Clergy Abilities Battle-axe is the preferred weapon at 1st level, gaining weapons specialization at 1st and 7th levels as would a fighter.

Attacks with the battle-axe are on the fighter table, although attacks with all other weapons are on the cleric table.

At 5th level may Polymorph Self 1/day as an additional ability.

Clergy Restrictions none

copyright 1983-2024 Bryan Fazekas

1 Response

  1. July 30, 2024

    […] Anaxios Pantheon […]

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