Gas Spores

My first campaign as DM had a number of experienced players. This was a first attempt at shaking up the experienced players by providing encounters for which they could not be prepared. While we never used all the types listed here, the Gem spore was entertaining, as was the Invisibility spore.


Gas Spores

Frequency rare
No. Encountered 1 (2d4)
Size L (6′ diameter)
Move 30 feet
Armour Class 9
Hit Dice 1 hp
Attacks none
Damage special
Special Attacks see below
Special Defences see below
Magic Resistance standard
Lair Probability nil
Intelligence non-
Alignment Neutral


Although the Gas spore is the most commonly known of the type, there are many other kinds. All have similar physical characteristics, strongly resembling a beholder at distances beyond 10 feet. As such they have what appears to be a large eye on one side, the “front”, and appendages on the top that resemble the smaller eyes of the beholder. They travel slowly, floating along silently, never making any noise.
Please note that at distances of 10 feet to 30 feet a character who asks has a 50% chance of detecting that the creature is a spore and not a beholder. At distances beyond 30 feet a character cannot determine the difference although the fact that the spore has not attacked magically may provide a character with the clue that it is a spore.


Spores do not have a physical attack — they are very fragile and explode if as little as 1 hp of damage is inflicted upon them. The explosion affects all within 2″ of the spore (see below for exact effects). While some spores cause physical damage, others do not, merely inflicting a magical effect.
Touching a spore with bare flesh infects a creature with rhizomes, which travel through the body in 1 round. The victim must receive a Cure Disease within 24 hours of infection or die and sprout 2-8 spores. Note that the types of spores produced is random, so a creature killed by a spore can produce 8 different types, none like the original. Also note that creatures within the area of effect of an exploding spore (regardless of type) have a 5% chance of being infected.


Spores are completely non-intelligent and have no society. While more than one may be encountered at a time, that is relatively rare (5%) and will occur only within a few hours of an infected creature sprouting spores, or in cases where sprouted spores are physically unable to leave a locale.


The origins of spores are lost in antiquity, but sages believe that they were originally created by magic users as guardian beasts. Considering that examination of the remains show a similarity to various fungi, sages further conjecture that they were created from mushrooms.
Once sprouted the spores will drift randomly through a dungeon until encountering anything that inflicts at least 1 hp of damage, which causes them to explode. Observation has shown that unless damaged a spore may survive up to a year, at which time it will sink to the ground and die, resembling a flattened ball. Anything touching the remains with bare flesh within the next month will be infected with rhizomes and start the process anew.
Spores tend to move towards anything with body heat within 12″, although how they sense heat through a maze of tunnels remains unknown. They float via light gases, apparently hydrogen or helium, move by spurting small amounts of gas through orifices, and metabolize additional gas as they need it.


The following types of spores have been documented:

Spore Type Effect
Anti-Magic Explodes for 2d6 points of damage. In addition all items must save vs. Lightning at +3 or be permanently drained of all magic.
Confusion Explodes for 1d6 points of damage. In addition all must save or be confused for 6d6 rounds.
Feeblemind Explodes for 1d6 points of damage. In addition all must save or be feebleminded for 1d6 turns.
Gas Explodes for 6d6 points of damage.
Gem Explodes for 6d6 points of damage and sprays 6d6 100gp gems in all directions.
Glow Explodes for 1d6 points of damage. In addition all metal items in area will glow with Continual Light for 1d6 turns. Magic items may save vs. breakage to avoid the effect.
Heal All damage is cured and ailments healed. This effect includes the effects of a Restoration spell, but will not raise or resurrect dead.
Invisibility Explodes for 3d6 points of damage. In addition all failing a save vs. Spell affected as by Improved Invisibility spell.
Metallic Explodes for 6d6 points and sprays 100-1,000 coins of random types.
Paralysis Explodes for 1d6 points of damage. In addition produces an invisible gas and all must save or be paralyzed for 1-4 turns.
Petrification Explodes for 1d6 points of damage. In addition all must save vs. Petrification or be turned to stone.
Plane Shift Explodes for 1d6 points of damage. In addition all creatures not saving vs. Magic plane shift to a random plane. All in group affected will shift to the same plane.
Poison Explodes for 3d6 points of damage. In addition it produces a greenish cloud and all in cloud must save vs. poison or die.
Slow Explodes for 1d6 points of damage. In addition all creatures are slowed for 3d4 rounds with no saving throw. Note that creatures immune to Slow for any reason are not affected.
Stun Explodes for 1d6 points of damage. In addition all must save or be stunned for 3d6 rounds.
Wish Explodes for 1d6 points of damage. In addition all creatures in area gain a Wish or Limited Wish. Note that the affected creatures have 1 hour to make their wish and the first statement during that time indicating a desire will be acted upon.


While spores generally have no treasure, some explode scattering coins or gems.

Level/XP Value

Hit Dice AD&D 5% Rule
1 HD 200 200

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